Hasselbeck identifies key Purdy trait that makes 49ers QB a ‘baller' – Yahoo


Hasselbeck identifies key Purdy trait that makes 49ers QB a ‘baller’ originally appeared on NBC Sports actions Bay Problem

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — If Brock Purdy ever wants someone to face up for his on-self-discipline abilities, NFL alum Matt Hasselbeck clearly has the 49ers big name’s attend.

The longtime NFL label-caller spoke to NBC Sports actions Bay Problem whereas attending Tight Pause University and explained why be believes Purdy is the accurate deal.

“Brock Purdy is a baller,” Hasselbeck mentioned. “Folk whine, ‘Oh he doesn’t have ‘wow’ throws.’ B.S. Flip the tape on. That guy has ‘wow’ throws. He’s a colossal quarterback. I do know he would possibly perhaps well also no longer gain a combine competitors or whatever, but he would gain a quarterback competitors in my mind. I judge he’s a colossal participant.”

Hasselbeck, who had a whopping 17-season occupation within the league, is aware of what it takes to play the establish and believes Purdy is the ethical guy for the job. The younger quarterback’s stats clearly teach for themselves, but Hasselbeck explained what goes into getting these numbers.

“I judge a mode of it is a ways resolution-making in a split second,” Hasselbeck mentioned. “It’s also making the throw within the meanwhile of truth. I take advantage of this case plenty with quarterbacks that I coach — the most uncomplicated golfers within the enviornment, they personal that putt the first time. You don’t uncover a second chance.

“[Purdy] seized the opportunity, took attend of it, and he made these immense time throws in a split second when they wanted them to be made. Quite loads of fellows accessible are love, ‘Oh I’d also have performed that.’ Yeah, but you didn’t when the opportunity arose. He took attend of it, and I don’t judge they’ll ever stare attend.”

Hasselbeck believes Purdy being a scholar of the game has paid off in his play on the self-discipline. However the earlier quarterback also pointed to Purdy’s have confidence with out a longer only his teammates but with the coaching workers, most severely coach Kyle Shanahan.

Shanahan’s play-calling and plan helps Purdy’s success, but it be what the Iowa Whisper product does along with his opportunity that issues. The truth that Purdy does no longer seem to fearful faraway from off-schedule throws has impressed Hasselbeck.

“Upright have confidence your practising and then lower it loose,” Hasselbeck mentioned. “To gain to play aggressive, to gain to play offensive. You would perhaps perhaps well’t stare at a defense and stare what they enact, and then react. It’s bought to be, ‘I’m on offense and I’ll dictate where this football goes. I’m going to lower it loose.’

“You would perhaps perhaps well’t be reckless; that’s why you have confidence your practising.”

Letting it rip with aggression — and without being reckless — sounds precisely love the 49ers’ starting quarterback.

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