Roger Goodell disagrees with 49ers' concerns over quality of Elegant Bowl note topic – Yahoo Sports – Yahoo


Within the direction of his Monday invitation-completely press conference, Commissioner Roger Goodell was invited by Jarrett Bell of USA This day to manage with concerns raised by the 49ers relating to the quality of the note topic for Elegant Bowl week.

The NFL place in a grass topic over the artificial ground at UNLV.

“That work is being carried out each single day,” Goodell said relating to the preparation and checking out of the note topic. “We salvage now had 23 experts accessible. We salvage now had the union accessible. All of them ponder that’s a really playable ground. It be softer than what they’ve practiced on, nonetheless that occurs. It be correctly within all of our checking out standards. It is something that we ponder — all our experts, as correctly as neutral topic inspectors — salvage all said, unanimously, that it is some distance a playable topic.”

We salvage now asked the union for its thoughts on the topic. The NFL’s design, as articulated by the person in fee, is glaring.

It be playable. That means it is note-ready. That means, from the league’s standpoint, quit complaining and originate practicing.
